Sunday, August 21, 2011

Do You Have Anymore Room?

When I first decided to do a blog I said it wouldn't be all cancer all the time.  I've tried to make that true.  Like an annoying leaky faucet I always seem to have something to whine about though.  No one likes a whiner so in the past few weeks, for a number of reasons I've been posting my whines only about once a week.

Some people actually really and truly don't like that lack of entertainment.  Some can wait and still others just go to Starbucks.  I like all three groups.  Each and everyone of you gives me little nuggets of perspective that I would not normally perceive or prospect.  Yep nuggets just like you see in the bright red packages at Rite Aid, Beef Teryiaki Nuggets.  Seriously, Nuggets?  Who eats any food that is called a "whatever" Nugget.

Tonight's blog is so totally totally about cancer.  Your going to wish you started reading a blog about being a midget curler in the Olympics by the time you are done with this one.  Yep, you are right,  this blog I'm going to ask you all for a favor.  Stop it!  The favor will cost you nothing but a millisecond of your energy.

A near and very dear friend of mine has breast cancer. We all know them, have them or are one.  She's a  friend of decades for me and a couple decades for my wife.  It's safe to say we both count ourselves fortunate to be on her friends list.

She's been through her Chemo Regime and this coming week she is headed for the "Double".   Of course after that is Radiation.

So, here's what I'm asking.  You have all been so kind to me with your thoughts and prayers.  I'm hoping you have one more spot on your prayer and/or thoughts list for my/our dear friend.  I know as we all move along in this life our lists get long.  I get that.  

So.  I offer up this.  If your list is long, and by the time you get done it's time to go to work the next day, bump me and my spot on your listYou've done so well for me I think I can forge ahead.  She, on the other hand needs everything she can be given including the thoughts of those who have taken such great care of me in these last two years.

Hell who knows?  Maybe I'll come up with something entertaining to thank you all.

Talk to you later

Sunday, August 14, 2011

To Tap or Puncture That is the Question

This past Wednesday I arrived at the hospital bright eyed and bushy tailed for yet another procedure.  This procedure was painless, interesting and an earnest effort to define my new malady.  The procedure?  Just a Lumbar Puncture.  The most exciting part of my Lumbar Puncture was the head rush I received when they made me sit up because apparently my spinal fluid dripped about as fast as molasses in winter while I was laying down.

Some of you may be wondering, "Is a Lumbar Pucnture the same as a Spinal Tap?"

In the medical world it is.  Much the same as Bi-Polar and Manic Depressive are the same.  The name has just been changed to, well, the only thing I can think of is to confuse us.

When a friend asked what "they" were doing to me next I replied "Lumbar Puncture."  And, I explained what a Lumbar Puncture was.  Naturally she said.  "Oh you mean a Spinal Tap."

Then quite abruptly she laughed and laughed saying.  "Can you imagine the band named Lumbar Puncture?"

She's right!  Would the cult classic, the holiest of holies, Spinal Tap, become the legend it is today if they were named Lumbar Puncture?  I think not.

Of course, once again, I started thinking.  I wondered if I life would be the same if ny name was Frank, Bob or Jedidiah?  Seriously, think about it.  If you hear the name Wilbert you probably think pocket protector. How about Chip, Chris and Kip?  Yikes.  [No offense guys]

So like a dog worrying a bone I've been wondering more than I should.  If my name was something other than it is would I live somewhere else?  Be married to someone else?  Not have this disease?  Wow.

Truth be told.  I like my name and I wouldn't change it.  But, I do wonder......
Talk to you later

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Orange Legs II

Hmmm.  It appears, in order to make them play fair, when making deals with lofty angry deities one needs to be more specific.  Upon waking I still seem to have my new affliction and now.... legs.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Orange Legs

My apologies to my cadre of readers for my absence.  Cadre?  That sounds like a lot of readers.  I've been angry.  So angry that everything I typed with these fingers was so toxic I could never blog the words.  Truth be told I was duck angry.

Duck angry?  Yup, duck angry.  Have you ever listened to a duck?  Their quacking has the tone of the angry ninety year old neighbor yelling at the neighborhood kids to "stay off his damn grass."  The tenor of a bull's glare when you've trespassed into his field.  They sound like they are saying a gravelly "fricken fucken shit fricken fricken fucken shit" and you know why?  They have orange legs for God's sake.  That's enough to piss anyone off.

Obviously the ducks pissed someone off up above.  Who knows how they pissed off one of those lofty deities but orange legs are definite proof of the duck's errant ways.  Perhaps they shunned the God of Orange in some original way.  Who knows?  But piss someone off they did and legs. 

As you know I have a fairly major affliction..  One would think that would fill anyone's plate to overflowing.  Ask anyone of us in this position and we'll smile and say something like,  "yeah that sucks doesn't it?"  Rest assured it is a full full plate for those of us with the disease and our loved ones who also have to live with the disease.

So imagine my anger as I left my neurosurgeon's office the day after my real birthday.  Why thirty days after successful research study results did I have no feeling in my right leg and a neurosurgeon telling me it could be a form of MS.  Wait damn it say again?  

"Bad luck" he said, "especially everything you've been through.

The unfortunate thing is they only give you one plate when you start out on this journey and my plate was just about full.  Angry.  More angry then I've ever been including my anger about my cancer.  Boy, one would think I'd have learned a lesson from Mr. Orange Legs.  Apparently not.

So here's the deal Mister Up Above That I Pissed Off.  I'll make you a deal.  I'll take back all the words I screamed at you from the emergency lane on Sylvan Hill.  You take away the numbness in my legs and we'll call it even.  Hell, I'll even sweeten the pot.  I'm willing to wake up tomorrow morning with orange legs.  Deal?