Thursday, June 23, 2011

Natural Miracles

The world is truly an amazing place.  The world can take aim and dump on you with a precision akin to laser guided missile.  I know this to be true.  

Today.  Today the worlds target was the dead [don't normally use that term anymore] center of my rigs steering wheel.  

Being a mathematician engineer sort I measured, pondered, and drove to the house all the while smelling a unique avian puke odor wafting about the cab wondering how and upon arriving I  measured some more.

I will provide you with this info and the pic:

Window was open 3.875 inches.
Distance from window opening to target 23"
No residue ANYWHERE! But dead center steering wheel.
Angle of dropped stuff  70° to 80°

Note the white drooly on the steering wheel. Doodle it up.  Look at the pic.  Impossible.  If an effing bird can pull off this targeting I'm holding out for miracles.

Talk to you later and everyone have a great evening.

1 comment:

  1. Many of you have been asking for clarification. That scene is what I found when I walked out of my office and opened the door to my shit! anywhere else inside
